Sunday, August 30, 2009

"Life of a Wahm" first post!

Thanks for checking out my NEW blog!   It's definitely going to be a "work in progress."   I hope you can stick around to see what becomes of it!

I am a WAHM!  What exactly is a WAHM, you say?  A WAHM is a short, clever, easy way of saying, a Work at Home Mom!

Prior to becoming a WAHM 7 years ago, I was a SAHM (get it…Stay at Home Mom).  Don't you love all these acronyms we use these days!

At that time, I was not looking for to work from home.   I was a stay at home mom of 3 boys and I was at the time very “content” with my life and income.  My husband had a great paying job with benefits and we were managing several, profitable income properties.  Our life was full (of diapers) and it felt somewhat complete.

But the key word from above was “content.”

I always knew that being a mom was the greatest joy of my life and most important thing I would ever do, but I also always felt that there was something that I was put here on Earth to do that would help to make a difference for others outside of my immediate family in a big way!  But I just never knew what that was.

Before I had my sons, I graduated from College with a degree in English and Legal Studies.  I had hoped to either end up in teaching or law...but the funniest thing was--I was scared to death of public speaking.  So I ended up in various management positions in banking, customer service, collections and even at one point, I was in an Air Traffic Control Program (doesn't sound like I had a clear path in life does it)?

Anyway, 7 years ago, I was introduced to nutritional cleansing program that I was very skeptical of and wasn’t even certain I needed what it claimed to do.  And furthermore, the product was being distributed through “Network Marketing” and I had a strong aversion to that industry.   But thankfully, I did decide to try the program and the results I experienced was greater than any negative thoughts or beliefs I had about the method it was distributed.  If you want to learn more about what the incredible healthy results I had were, please let me know and I’ll let you in about that secret.

Well after my own personal experience,  I was convinced that I could help a lot of people.  So I simply started sharing my story with those I cared about and before I knew it, I was earning an income that matched my husband’s in my first 90 days.

In the first 3 years we were able to buy a new house, take many family vacations, purchase my "dream car" and also start putting away substantial savings and purchase additional income properties.

7 years later I have been awarded several top honors with the company all while working part-time from home (less than 20 hours) earning a multiple 6 figure income.

The real exciting part is that I have been able to help many in this industry achieve the same success.  I have a strong passion to help other moms (and dads too!) create income from home, whether it be a few extra hundred dollars a month or 6 figures like me.

I have created this income while keeping balance in my family.  There are few “secrets” that I have found to be able to do this and through blogging I hope to share them with my readers.

This blog will be primarily be my daily journey, struggles, triumphs of being a WAHM.  I hope that in someway it will help other WAHMs (and dads)!

Some days my blogging may be more personal than business, but you can count on it be honest and real.

My goal for this year is to be more “transparent” in an attempt to get over my strong need and control to be “perfect!”  I’m letting go of that finally and just enjoying who I am finally and know that there is always ONE on high that loves me just as in-perfect as I am.

I am also working on a project "What's it all For?" that I would love to have any successful 6 figure Wahms be part of.  If that's you, please connect with me and I'll get you the details how you can participate and what's in it for you!  We also have a Fan Page just starting on FaceBook (link in the box the left side of this page).

The Life of Your Dreams is Waiting for You! Just Take a Step in Faith Towards it!”

Kimber King

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