Okay, so here's the deal! About 7 years ago, I partnered with a company whose "nutritional cleansing" products made a huge impact on my health so much so that I started marketing their products to others who could also benefit from them. Over those years, I have seen stories that would blow your mind of better health, weight loss benefits and much more!
For the last couple of years, this company has promoted a body transformation challenge in which the winners can win up to $150,000.00. The stories created from this challenge has been off the hook!
- 18 year old Derek who released 123 lbs. now is called "Slim D" by his college peers
- 22 year old Anthony who released 153 lbs.and won $10,000 in cash
- 60 year old Mary who just toned up with releasing 4.5 lbs and 9.5 inches and feels 18 again a good example to my clients and business partner, every year I enroll myself into this challenge, get all excited for a few weeks and then I get distracted (more liked bored) and I have not once completed it to the finish. I end up justifying that I look and feel pretty good already and that's good enough for me!
Truth is, it's not! HELLO I'm 41 now! (not 40, 41!!!)
I have also been fairly active and in generally good shape my whole life and have never had to worry much about what I look like in clothes, but you starts to sneak up on you slowly and suddenly, this year I was not very excited about putting on a bikini!
The thing is, I know where I feel my best and I'm not that far off but if I don't take hold now, who knows what will happen after a few years (and pounds) keep sneaking up on me?
So, this year, I gathered support of a few of my Team Leaders (5 awesome ladies who I love dearly) and we are doing this together!
I set up my daily nutritional support system (that I could not do this without). Here's a routine I have created with some of my favorites to help me accomplish this (which may change or evolve throughout):
- Morning - Dark Healthy Chocolate (yes healthy and good for the brain too)
- Morning - Recovery Drink (Cleansing Drink, Adaptogenic Drink sprinkled with Energy Drink)
- Morning - 1/2 serving of Healthy Protein Shake
- Mid-Morning - 1/2 of Nutritional Bar
- Lunch - 1/2 serving of Shake
- Mid-Day Snack 1/2 Bar
- 600 calorie Sensible Dinner (before 6pm)
- 4 oz. Cleansing Drink before bed (3 hours after last meal)
So, I needed a good kick in the butt to get me going! I have a strong personality that likes to think that I can do anything and usually when I set my mind to something, (with God's help) I can accomplish it. But the downside to this optimistic, determined attitude is that I get bored easily and I also think that I can jump from the start line to finish line with no preparation or training. I've studied personality types in business and I would be called a "Ruby" (click here for more info on what you might be).
A couple years back I registered for a 1/2 Marathon in beautiful Moab, Utah! You guessed it! I didn't train like I should have and YES I crossed that finish line (not telling you my time) but it wasn't pretty! I thought I was still 18, and that I could just muddle through it.
So here I am last week gearing up for this Challenge and I know I need a NEW exciting exercise (remember I get bored easily) and so I had been hearing about this "Insanity" program from one of my business friends and had been following her results. And lo and behold, one sleepless night about 4 am in the morning, I watched the informercial and thought, I CAN DO THAT!
Well, so the next morning I contacted my business friend and ordered the system from her and had it expressed because "Rubies" want it now! LOL
The past 6 months, I truly have not been good at exercising (outside of being fairly active in my daily activities, occasional jogs, walks and a 4th of July 5K) but I thought INSANITY shouldn't be too hard for me.
So I got all geared up yesterday for the FIT TEST (to determine where I was) and 20 minutes later I was lying on the floor, sweating, unable to speak... LOL
So Day 2 of INSANITY and I just got my butt kicked again! It was 30 minutes and I can honestly tell you that just the warm-up hurt me! But I will overcome! LOL
But I am excited to see where INSANITY and this Challenge leads me. If you are curious too, hang with me over the next 60 days and I just might post photos! Who knows?
Kimber King