Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Please...the people of Haiti desperately need you!‏

Good morning friends,

My heart is so heavy this morning. Earlier this week, I started preparing an email to ask all of you for support for a medical service mission my husband Stewart will be going on March 12th to Haiti.

As many of you may have heard, there was a 7.3 earthquake that hit this area yesterday and the devastastion is just barely starting to be realized. And they have had over a dozen after shocks since as large as 5.2.

I knew very little about this small war-torn, ravished country but attended a meeting with Stewart last week and realized that this country was one of the poorest country in the world and their needs were so great! These people have very little and my eyes had been opened to their incredible needs.

Now with this earthquake, I can't even imagine how much more these people could handle.

It's complete devistation over there right now and the communication out of there is little. It's hard to communicate normally. So like I said, we are still very uncertain of the devistation right now.

The organization Stewart is serving with is called At this time, we are still unsure if their compound survived the quake or if the currrent Healing Hands for Haiti team there now is okay? It's a two story building and compound right in Port Au Prince. As of this morning, we have only heard from 1 out of the 50 team over there right now. So please pray that we hear soon and that they are all okay.

You can watch a news clip and about 2 minutes in, Healing Hands for Haiti's Founder, Dr. Jeff Randle speaks about what is going on:


Earlier this week I was going to ask you to consider a monetary donation and ask my Isagenix friends and clients to donate some "IsaKids" vitamins to Stew's "Utah County Team" for their trip in March but now I just ask you for any kind of donation you can for the people of Haiti in general.

As we wake up in our warm homes every morning, able to drive to where we need to, have meals with our families, etc... these people on a normal day, struggle with very little electricity, no transporation, scraping for daily meals and so much more. Survival is what their purpose is everyday!

We are struggling here in the U.S. because of our economy, but the hard truth is that the poorest of our people would be wealthy in their country.

Please just prayerfully consider skipping a few luxuries or even fasting and donating that money to them at this terrible time.

If you would like to make a direct donation to the organization, you can do so at the above site. If you still want to donate to Stew's Utah County Team, please contact Stewart's brother in law, Darryl Wagner at or 801-635-0677 to see what their needs are now. I was going to ask you send "IsaKids" vitamins as their focus is on teaching the people about general medical needs and nutrition but now I am not sure what would be the best way to help their team.

Also, Monday I had set up a FaceBook Fan page for their team. If you are on FaceBook, please become a fan at and invite your FB friends as well to become a fan.

Thank you so much for your time in reading this today. I ask for at the very least your prayers for the people of Haiti. We are all so blessed and I know we are all very grateful for all that we have. If you have just a little you can do, please consider it.

Also, you can help spread the message by going to the bottom of this message and forward this to your friends, families, clients and teams as well.


Kimber King