Tuesday, December 15, 2009

From the Life of a Wahm Blog
By Kimber King

Did you hear about the first participants of LeanAgain2010?

9 individuals who participated 9 days before Thanksgiving, released 88.5 lbs. and 133.5 inches in 9 days! (That's an average release of 9.3 lbs in just 9 days)!

That's the way to finish out 2009! They are on their way to a Lean and Clean 2010! And they got these results FREE!

It was such a great success, that I am looking for my next 10 individuals that want to participate!

To be considered, you will need to be either in my local area or have access to a Webcam,as we will have 3 support coaching sessions and you need to attend in person or by Webcam (NO EXCEPTIONS).

You must also not be an active cleansing associate or retail client. I'm looking for 10 more NEW fresh stories!

I will be selecting the participants very soon and we will be getting prepared to kick it off the first week of January! So don't delay if you want to be considered!

Go NOW to http://www.leanagain2010.com and fill out the form!

If you don't want to wait and want to get a JUMP START on 2010 now, go to http://www.uwant.isagenix.com and you can even earn REBATES from $70-100 to go towards your cleansing program! (email me for more info)

Feel free to pass this along to anyone who may benefit from releasing unwanted pounds, inches and toxins!