Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Don't Sacrifice "FORM"

From the "Life of a Wahm" Blog
Have you ever heard a word or a phrase and then all of the sudden it starts showing up all over the place?

You hear it on TV, on the radio, at church...

About 4 years ago, the acronym F.O.R.M. was introduced to me by one of my business mentors.  I was not familiar with this acronym but I was very familiar with the technique(s) that it stood for.  

I grew up with a mom who FORM'd quite naturally and not only did it help her develop life-long friendships and relationships but also very loyal clients.  Later on, it would help her produce a 7 digit income in her industry.  

I started FORM'ing through the internet about 6 years ago before I even knew that's what it was called and way before internet sites like FaceBook and Twitter even existed or the world of "Social Networking."

Have you ever heard that old country song, "I was Country, when Country wasn't cool?"  Well... I was Social Networking when Social Networking wasn't cool!  LOL
I was able to reach a 6 figure income using FORM on the internet and in my daily life.  

For more on what FORM is exactly (for those of you curious folks), go to http://www.kimberking.com and register and I will send you a link to a FREE 30 minute Recorded call about FORM and lots, lots more!
Or just click on this link to listen to it now:

Anyway, I started this completely CRAZY exercise program about 3 weeks ago (in way over my head) but I am participating in a Body Challenge (using nutritional cleansing and exercise) with 5 other ladies for cash and I needed to jump-start this body!

So, as I'm doing this exercise program, the instructor's favorite phrase over and over, is "don't sacrifice your FORM!"  There's that word again.  
He is alluding to the fact that sometimes when we are overly tired, worked, have a huge EGO, we start to compromise our FORM and get very lazy with our FORM just to keep up or look good!  This not only will not produce the best results but you can also cause injury.

It just made me think about how with exercise and with our relationships (friends, family and clients), we cannot compromise our FORM!  

I think God is trying to remind me to stop cutting corners just to get the job done in many areas of my life.
The power behind relationships, health, business or anything we do in life is committing to FORM over laziness, boredom, impatience, etc....That will make all the difference in the long run!

Kimber King