Saturday, February 13, 2010

Win over $100 Grab Bag of Success Tools just for showing me your home office!

Hey Wahms,
Send us a photo of your home office and you will be entered into a drawing for a “Wahm Grab Bag” of sales tools, books, cds, etc…. (things that Jodi and I have found useful in helping us build our 6 figure income over the years ).
The value of this “Wahm Grab Bag” is valued well over $100.oo so get your photo to us today!
To be eligible:
  • Sign up for our newsletter on the right hand side of page at (if you haven’t already)
  • Attach a photo of your “REAL” home office and send it to
  • The deadline for the drawing is Midnight MST, February 28th, 2010
  • Everyone is eligible, even work at home dads and grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. you just need to be involved in some capacity with a home business.
How easy is that?  We can’t make it any easier for you to be successful!  Winner of the “Wahm Grab Bag” will be announced LIVE on our March 3rd TRW (The Real Wahms) Show!
You don’t have to be listening to win but you may want to hear your name announced LIVE!  How freakin’ cool would that be!

I’ll get the ball rolling!  Here’s a photo of my home office!  I’d put Jodi’s up here but it's way too messy!  (unless all of you beg me)

Kimber :)