Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Are you a well poisoner, lawn-mower or life-enhancer?

From the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

This morning I was studying the story about Gideon's Army and how he went into battle with only 300 so that when victory came, the glory could only go to God!

Gideon originally gathered 32,000 for his army which would make perfect sense to go big when facing this kind of challenge. But God instructed him to send home all those who were in fear, which left only 10,000. God again said that army was too large and eventually Gideon went into battle with an army of 300 and he was victorious!

What a great story to anyone who is facing a giant in their life right now and feeling that they might not have enough or be enough to overcome their challenge! Remember, that God uses the unlikely and the underdog (over and over) so that He can be revealed of just who He is and what He can do!

As I was reading this morning, I heard a quote by Walt Disney on the radio (quote below). I was thinking how Gideon may have had all kinds of "well-poisoners" around him shouting out how he was not good enough or strong enough, his army wasn't big enough or he wasn't worthy enough. They might not have even been actual people around him but he might have had voices in his head that told him so!

Do you have any of those people in your life or voices in your head that are "well-poisoners?"

The truth is, when you are facing your biggest challenges and you are at your weakest position is when God can come in and create a miracle!

Several years ago, I faced a personal challenge that brought me to my knees. Up until this point, I had been one of those types of people who had always excelled in whatever I did, had a very positive attitude and believed that I (keyword I) could do anything or overcome anything.

Well through my challenge I learned just how arrogant I had been for most of my life. My own confidence and belief in myself could only go so far in this life. I had put myself and my own strength on a pedestal and finally I do believe, God gave me a challenge that I couldn't control or overcome or fix on my own. I could do nothing to fix it and for a very long time, I struggled and didn't understand why.

It was only until I fully surrendered to God and admitted that I could do nothing on my own that He took over and created a way where there was no way!

My positive attitude was a good thing through my life but the problem was that I thought that it was by my own strength that I could succeed.

That was a lie but there was a truth that was so powerful and freeing and that truth was Phil. 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

WOW! Yes I can do all things but not on my own accord but WITH CHRIST all things were possible!

I didn't have to try to be all that and that was FREEDOM for me!

So if you have some "well-poisoners" in your life or in your head, just know that YES you can overcome those people or voices, not by your own strength but if you lay it all down for Christ and have Faith, He can make a path for you that you can't see right now!

Have a blessed day!

"There are three types of people in the world today. There are "well-poisoners," who discourage you and stomp on your creativity and tell you what you can't do.

There are "lawn-mowers," people who are well-intentioned but self-absorbed; they tend to their own needs, mow their own lawns, and never leave their yards to help another person.

Finally, there are "life-enhancers," people who reach out to enrich the lives of others, to lift them up and inspire them.

We need to be life-enhancers and we need to surround ourselves with life-enhancers."

~ Walt Disney