Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cash for Clunkers? Dave and I are thinking....

from the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

It's funny how history seems to repeat itself!

So last week my hubby and I were "lightly" discussing the "Cash for Clunkers" program (and I say lightly as we usually stray away from politics in our household...more on that another time).   Anyway, I was sharing how I was very concerned that this NEW program (which its purpose was suppose to be for the environment, yeah right), seemed to be very similar to our government's "sub-prime lending market" program (remember that and where it led us to last fall)?

Well, now it seemed that the very same people who couldn't afford that house are the very same people the government is now providing a way for them to buy that brand NEW car that they can't afford. 

You know there is a saying, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome."


I was wondering if anyone was seeing this like I was.

Then, a couple days ago in my inbox, Syndicated Talk Show Host, Dave Ramsey sent me an email and I just chuckled to myself.....hmmmm....."great minds think alike!"

Anyway, here's Dave's take on this program and he says how I was feeling about this program much better than I could.

Let's hope Dave and I are both very wrong!