Saturday, February 27, 2010

"7 Days of Paradise" Day 1

Hey everyone,

So for the next week or so, I'm going to be blogging and posting pics about our recent trip to Maui.  One week ago today, we were playing on the beaches there.  Thank heavens everyone is safe there in light of the Tsunmai that hit them today...and so glad I wasn't there or my boys and my parents would have freaked out here back home (not to mention that it would have been pretty eerie and scary to wake up to the sirens ringing).

Anyway, I'm doing this for a couple reasons but mainly so many times we have been on vacations and though the memories always linger, some details and great experiences get forgottten as time moves on.

I'm hoping to share TONS of details, mostly fun, sometimes boring but every detail about our trip incase anyone else is thinking about going to Maui and so my family can re-live the vacation with us.

So why Maui?  Stew and I have tried to do a couples trip each year (except for the last couple of years).  We usually have vacationed to the beautiful land of Mexico, mainly Playa Del Car region.  If you ever go to Cancun make sure to stay closer to this beautiful place...not so "touristy" (is that a word)?  and so beautiful and quaint.   Anyway, back to Maui.  Since we have done Mexico many times, and not quite in that party, party stage in our lives anymore....we still wanted to go to a romantic, beautiful beach.  Did I mention that Stew is a FISH and loves the water!  So the beach is always our primary destination.  So if it wasn't going to be Mexico and we couldn't quite afford Bora Bora yet, then we chose Maui.  (Remind me to tell you my Bora Bora BIGGEST REGRET story sometime... I had the chance to go and blew that one---duh)!!!

Stew has never been to Hawaii and I knew he would love it.  I went for graduation almost 22 (did I just say 22) years ago!  A group of our friends went to Honolulu on the island of Oahu.  We had a blast but even back then there were a tons of tourists and I knew Stew would enjoy one of the more kicked back islands better.  So we knew Maui was in between of less tourists but with still lots of activities to do! 

We chose our resort based on the best snorkeling. Stew is a snorkeling/scuba-ing fool! 

We chose to stay in the beautiful, lush area of Makena/Wailea area, Makena Beach & Golf Resort:

Valentine's Day, prior to us leaving for Maui, Stew and I went to a great dinner here at home at the Pleasant Valley Golf & Grill (they have the best food--YUM)!!  Anyway, as we were eating, Stew totally surprised and freaked me out as he got down on his knee and gave me a beautiful cross necklace and asked me to marry him again in Maui... I know girls...ahhhhhhhhhh..... I was so shocked.... We have been through so much and it totally caught me off guard and I was even way more exicted about our trip.  We wanted to do something casual on the beach with just us and renew our vows together...more about that on about the 6th day!  (found a super cute white beach dress at Dillard's)....FUN REASON TO SHOP!

Anyway, we flew Delta to Maui non-stop on Monday.  I was a little annoyed at Delta for charging for luggage because it got me a little frustrated trying to pack into one suitcase.  Luckily most of what I was packed was swimming suits and flip-flops.  I LOVE Southwest Air!

For those of you that don't know me....I actually fly quite a lot with my business but I am still a freaked out flyer.  I used to be okay but there was 3 flights in a row one year that we had to do abrupt "go-arounds" under freaky circumstances and since then, I have not been a relaxed flyer.  So embarassed to admit...but Dramamine is my best friend flying.  Knock me out baby....

So, 6 1/2 hour flight to Maui direct.  I prayed so hard for a great non-eventful flight...and it was exactly that. 

We arrived in Maui around 4pm local time which was 7pm our time and we were starving...Delta peanuts and pretzels just don't cut it.  Luckily I had my yummy protein shakes that filled me up while we were flying.

We went to the mall in Maui for some interesting fast, Japanese food????  Not sure I want to comment on that but it did taste okay since I was famished.  We then did what all tourists from the states do......WE WENT TO COSTCO!  Yup...when you go to Maui, your first stop is Costco. 

We went and stocked up with goodies for our room.  I was so excited just to eat their yummy fresh fruit and my shakes for most of my meals except for our nightly big meal.  We just are the type that would rather not eat out and spend the $$.  And the freakin' pineapple was unbelieveable! 

So after Costco, we arrived at our hotel in the beautiful area of Makena.  We drove through Wailea which is also a very lush and beautiful landscaped, even jungle looking area of amazing hotels, time shares, golf course and shopping.

As we drove up to our resort it was already after dark.  We kept driving and driving towards the end of the road.  We pulled up and was so excited at what we saw.   We were greeted with ALOHA and shell leis by the staff.  As we walked through the open air lobby and beautiful courtyard to our room, we heard the loudest birds EVER.  I almost thought it was a recording.  No way could this be real live birds.  And although I loved hearing was almost deafening.  So interesting, these mynah birds sing for about an 1/2 hour or so EVERY morning and night at sunrise and sunset.  It's so cool!  Nature just never ceazes to amaze me.

As we got to relax in our room that night on the balcony and could hear the crashing waves and get a glimpse of the sparkling sand and waves, we were excited to see what it all looked like the next morning. 

On my next posts, I'll start posting some "real" pics of our adventure.....

Oh geez...I'm getting myself excited all over and want to fly back right now!

Mahalo for reading my blog....check back for Day 2's adventures.   ALOHA