Monday, August 31, 2009

The funny ways kids can take our words and use them against us!

from the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

So my youngest son, Walker says to me this weekend with a smirk on his face, "Mom you know how you say that learning from your mistakes is a good thing?"  "Yes," I said, not sure where this would go.   "Well, then you can't be mad at me if I get an "F" right because you said we learn from our mistakes and I would really be learning then!" 

We both laughed and I reminded him how that would not be acceptable. 

But it got me thinking about how we sometimes forget that the mistakes we make, the wrong choices, the path(s) that turns out wrong, can really teach us something if we pay attention.  

For many, many years, I tried to live a "perfect life" without making mistakes or choices or committing to things that I wasn't certain of the outcome.  But the truth is, that fear held me back from so many things because of my fear to fail. 

When I started College I had two paths that interested me, teaching and law.  I wasn't sure which, but I stopped myself dead in my tracks after I found out that each pursuit required a "Public Speaking" class and guess what?... I was terrified of speaking in public.  I was one of those that could barely say "Here" when the teacher took roll.    So I ended up with an English degree and Legal Studies minor and still absolutely clueless what I was going to do with my life.

Today I wonder how different my life might have been had I not let that fear hold me back of public speaking. 

I am totally grateful where God lead me anyway and I wouldn't change a thing.  However, I can't help but think that He has a huge sense of humor, since in my direct sales business I now speak to 100's and on occasions, 1000's and host conference calls too!  So He forced me through it anyway. 

So what do you have that is holding you back from making mistakes, choosing a path?  If you are suppose to go there, I will bet God will get you there anyway, somehow, so go ahead and just take a chance and JUMP RIGHT IN!  The water is fine!  ;)

Kimber King