Tuesday, December 15, 2009

From the Life of a Wahm Blog
By Kimber King

Did you hear about the first participants of LeanAgain2010?

9 individuals who participated 9 days before Thanksgiving, released 88.5 lbs. and 133.5 inches in 9 days! (That's an average release of 9.3 lbs in just 9 days)!

That's the way to finish out 2009! They are on their way to a Lean and Clean 2010! And they got these results FREE!

It was such a great success, that I am looking for my next 10 individuals that want to participate!

To be considered, you will need to be either in my local area or have access to a Webcam,as we will have 3 support coaching sessions and you need to attend in person or by Webcam (NO EXCEPTIONS).

You must also not be an active cleansing associate or retail client. I'm looking for 10 more NEW fresh stories!

I will be selecting the participants very soon and we will be getting prepared to kick it off the first week of January! So don't delay if you want to be considered!

Go NOW to http://www.leanagain2010.com and fill out the form!

If you don't want to wait and want to get a JUMP START on 2010 now, go to http://www.uwant.isagenix.com and you can even earn REBATES from $70-100 to go towards your cleansing program! (email me for more info)

Feel free to pass this along to anyone who may benefit from releasing unwanted pounds, inches and toxins!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

TONIGHT!!! For Men Only! (Ladies you can help get the word out)‏

From the Life of a Wahm Blog
By Kimber King


That's right. Ladies aren't invited to this one! This call is for all the men who are looking to create a long-lasting residual income and ideal health! But ladies, you can help get all the great men in your life on this call!

Join Millionaire Income Earner, Paul Perkins for a call that will help you realize the potential you have in yourself to create the dreams and goals you have for your family!

Paul (my dad), has an incredible story of overcoming challenges to share!

Just 7 years ago, he was 4 house payments behind and facing losing it all and now he is are retired Union Pacific Railroad Engineer and Million Dollar earner in this industry.

At a time when so many are struggling and may be facing the unthinkable like he did 7 years ago, Paul can help inspire you and direct you to overcome too!

Also, Paul will have a very special guest tonight from Corporate, Rick Despain. Rick is the VP of Field Relations and Communications has a passion in helping Associates succeed and getting their amazing stories out! He will also be giving some tips to maximize your earning potential with all the great incentives going on right now!

NOTE: Ladies, if you sneak on the call, apply "duct tape!" This is for the guys!

Time: 7:30 PST/8:30 MST/9:30 CST/10:30 EST
Dial: 1-605-715-4900
Code: 629927#

Email Paul at pmperkins23@comcast.net for more information!


Kimber King

P.S. If you missed seeing the results of the 9 Participants on the 9 Day program, check it out at www.leanagain2010.com They released 88.5 lbs. and 133.5 inches!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Looking for my next 10 Local Success Stories! Free Product & Coaching! I know...It's just crazy!

From the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

Hey Friends,

Go to www.leanagain2010.com to learn more about how you could be selected as one of 10 people who are going to get to try the Nutritional Cleansing program that created amazing results for me 7 years ago and since then, 1000's of others!

Go there and watch the video and then fill out the form if you want to be considered as one of the 10 participants!

You have to do it today as I am only taking applications for the next 5 or 6 days and I already have a list of people that are interested!

Have a blessed day!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Are you in the Pond or in the Puddle?

From the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

A few months ago, I was watching a Beth Moore DVD series titled, "Believing God."

Beth shared a funny little story about how one morning she was out walking her dogs and along the path there happened to be some ducks in a small, dirty puddle. She couldn't help stop and think how odd it was that these ducks were in this puddle when just a few feet away, over the ridge there was a beautiful, large pond! She chuckled as she imagined God looking down saying, "Hello! You are in the PUDDLE! There's a Pond...you are in the puddle!"

How funny is it that many of us at least one time in our lives are splashing around in a small, dirty puddle when just out of our reach is a beautiful pond just waiting for us to find it.

I wondered what would cause these ducks (and us) to stay in the puddle? Is it that we are comfortable in the puddle? Do we feel unworthy of the Pond? Are we settled with living in mediocrity? Do we see other ducks in the Pond and feel jealous or unworthy of being there too?

What exactly holds us back from the pond?

In regards to your home business of life in general, take a moment and decide if you are in a puddle or a pond right now?

If you are in a puddle, what keeps you there?

Are you comfortable? Scared? Lazy? Unworthy? Frozen by fears or thoughts?

What is it?

I do believe that DUCKS do not want to be in a puddle and chances are, neither do you!

The Pond is calling for you! Go ahead, take a dip! It's awesome!

Happy Splashing everyone!

Kimber :)

For more info about Beth Moore:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Are you a well poisoner, lawn-mower or life-enhancer?

From the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

This morning I was studying the story about Gideon's Army and how he went into battle with only 300 so that when victory came, the glory could only go to God!

Gideon originally gathered 32,000 for his army which would make perfect sense to go big when facing this kind of challenge. But God instructed him to send home all those who were in fear, which left only 10,000. God again said that army was too large and eventually Gideon went into battle with an army of 300 and he was victorious!

What a great story to anyone who is facing a giant in their life right now and feeling that they might not have enough or be enough to overcome their challenge! Remember, that God uses the unlikely and the underdog (over and over) so that He can be revealed of just who He is and what He can do!

As I was reading this morning, I heard a quote by Walt Disney on the radio (quote below). I was thinking how Gideon may have had all kinds of "well-poisoners" around him shouting out how he was not good enough or strong enough, his army wasn't big enough or he wasn't worthy enough. They might not have even been actual people around him but he might have had voices in his head that told him so!

Do you have any of those people in your life or voices in your head that are "well-poisoners?"

The truth is, when you are facing your biggest challenges and you are at your weakest position is when God can come in and create a miracle!

Several years ago, I faced a personal challenge that brought me to my knees. Up until this point, I had been one of those types of people who had always excelled in whatever I did, had a very positive attitude and believed that I (keyword I) could do anything or overcome anything.

Well through my challenge I learned just how arrogant I had been for most of my life. My own confidence and belief in myself could only go so far in this life. I had put myself and my own strength on a pedestal and finally I do believe, God gave me a challenge that I couldn't control or overcome or fix on my own. I could do nothing to fix it and for a very long time, I struggled and didn't understand why.

It was only until I fully surrendered to God and admitted that I could do nothing on my own that He took over and created a way where there was no way!

My positive attitude was a good thing through my life but the problem was that I thought that it was by my own strength that I could succeed.

That was a lie but there was a truth that was so powerful and freeing and that truth was Phil. 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

WOW! Yes I can do all things but not on my own accord but WITH CHRIST all things were possible!

I didn't have to try to be all that and that was FREEDOM for me!

So if you have some "well-poisoners" in your life or in your head, just know that YES you can overcome those people or voices, not by your own strength but if you lay it all down for Christ and have Faith, He can make a path for you that you can't see right now!

Have a blessed day!

"There are three types of people in the world today. There are "well-poisoners," who discourage you and stomp on your creativity and tell you what you can't do.

There are "lawn-mowers," people who are well-intentioned but self-absorbed; they tend to their own needs, mow their own lawns, and never leave their yards to help another person.

Finally, there are "life-enhancers," people who reach out to enrich the lives of others, to lift them up and inspire them.

We need to be life-enhancers and we need to surround ourselves with life-enhancers."

~ Walt Disney

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Just updated my website! www.kimberking.com

Friday, October 16, 2009

Busy Mom of 3 Creates 6 Figure Income Social Networking!

From the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

Seven years ago, Kimber King was a busy stay at home mom with three boys, ages 6, 4 and 2.  She wasn’t looking for a way to make money from home, but when she began using a line of products that dramatically impacted her health, she couldn’t help telling everyone she knew about it.  Kimber recalls, “The products were sold through a network marketing company and I actually had a very negative view of the industry.  But the results I had with my own health far outweighed all the negative things I felt about the business.” So she quickly signed up enough family and friends to reach the top rank level in her company in the first six weeks.  Within 90 days, her monthly earnings matched the full time income she had previously been paid in the corporate world. 

Kimber soon began reaching beyond her immediate circle of contacts through social networking on the internet.   She recalls, “One night I stumbled upon a site on the internet that described itself as a business networking site.  It was free and on the site you had the opportunity to create a profile page for yourself.  I dove right in and started connecting with a ton of people.  I did some things very naturally that literally launched my business on the internet and to this day, from this one site I have an organization of 6000+ members. Then I started branching out onto other sites like message boards and forums.  I began cultivating online relationships mostly focusing on other stay at home moms.”

Another of Kimber’s success secrets is working with a personal business coach.  Although she was earning a great income from home, she was working long hours on the computer and her income had remained the same for nearly 2 ½ years.  “It was a very lucrative income for a stay at home mom of three,” she says, “But I began to have great goals for my family and helping others and I was frankly stuck.”

Within eight weeks of working with the network marketing coach, Kimber was earning a monthly five-figure income and an annual six-figure income while reducing her work hours to less than 20 hours per week.

Kimber also credits her parents for much of her success.  “My dad instilled a spirit of excellence in me.  By watching my mother work in her own hair salon, I learned how to treat customers.”  Kimber says the key is focusing on others.  “It’s always about them and not me!  What are their needs?  What are their goals?  What are their strengths?  What are their desires?  It’s never been about me and my income goals or rank advancements.  If you focus on others, all that will come!  One of my mentors says it like this, ‘If you focus on the mission, you get the commission!’” 

Trust in God is also central to her business approach.  As she explains,  “When I start a dialogue with someone, my main intention is to discover how can I bless them.  It might not be about business at all.  It’s all about relationships first and then anything that flows out of it from there I leave up to God!  I trust Him completely with my business and that He will also put those in front of me that I am supposed to serve.   When people ask what I do to create success in my home business, I tell them two simple things: pray and take action.  I pray for those who are looking for me and for those I can serve.  Then I pick up that phone or connect with someone.  “Faith without works is dead!”  I have faith in my Heavenly Father to provide the way but I also know that I have to step out on that path in faith.” 

Kimber has stepped out in faith knowing that God is the provider in her home business and that’s made all the difference.  Now seven years later, she earn a six- figure income from home, working part-time, raising her sons and modeling the same entrepreneurial spirit she saw in her own mother.

Find out more about her at http://www.kimberking.com 

Copyrighted excerpt from the forthcoming book, Making Money From Home by Donna Partow (April 2010 release)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Don't Sacrifice "FORM"

From the "Life of a Wahm" Blog
Have you ever heard a word or a phrase and then all of the sudden it starts showing up all over the place?

You hear it on TV, on the radio, at church...

About 4 years ago, the acronym F.O.R.M. was introduced to me by one of my business mentors.  I was not familiar with this acronym but I was very familiar with the technique(s) that it stood for.  

I grew up with a mom who FORM'd quite naturally and not only did it help her develop life-long friendships and relationships but also very loyal clients.  Later on, it would help her produce a 7 digit income in her industry.  

I started FORM'ing through the internet about 6 years ago before I even knew that's what it was called and way before internet sites like FaceBook and Twitter even existed or the world of "Social Networking."

Have you ever heard that old country song, "I was Country, when Country wasn't cool?"  Well... I was Social Networking when Social Networking wasn't cool!  LOL
I was able to reach a 6 figure income using FORM on the internet and in my daily life.  

For more on what FORM is exactly (for those of you curious folks), go to http://www.kimberking.com and register and I will send you a link to a FREE 30 minute Recorded call about FORM and lots, lots more!
Or just click on this link to listen to it now:

Anyway, I started this completely CRAZY exercise program about 3 weeks ago (in way over my head) but I am participating in a Body Challenge (using nutritional cleansing and exercise) with 5 other ladies for cash and I needed to jump-start this body!

So, as I'm doing this exercise program, the instructor's favorite phrase over and over, is "don't sacrifice your FORM!"  There's that word again.  
He is alluding to the fact that sometimes when we are overly tired, worked, have a huge EGO, we start to compromise our FORM and get very lazy with our FORM just to keep up or look good!  This not only will not produce the best results but you can also cause injury.

It just made me think about how with exercise and with our relationships (friends, family and clients), we cannot compromise our FORM!  

I think God is trying to remind me to stop cutting corners just to get the job done in many areas of my life.
The power behind relationships, health, business or anything we do in life is committing to FORM over laziness, boredom, impatience, etc....That will make all the difference in the long run!

Kimber King

Monday, September 28, 2009

Turn your Social Networking "Play-time" into Profits!

From the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

I haven't posted on my blog for a week or two as I was getting ready for a FREE conference call sharing a few of my skills and techniques I have used over the last 7 years to earn a multiple six figures working from home through Social Networking.

Incase you missed the FREE call, here's the link to listen to:  


In this call, you will learn 4 simple steps you can start doing now to create profits while you are spending time on Social Networks, like FaceBook and Twitter!

If you enjoy the call, visit the website at http://www.socialnetworkingharvest.com or join the FAN PAGE on FaceBook (link is on the left of this site) for updates on increasing your profits through Social Networking!

I will continue blogging again this week!  I have lots to talk about!  

Kimber :)


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What was I thinking? INSANITY?

from the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

Okay, so here's the deal!  About 7 years ago, I partnered with a company whose "nutritional cleansing" products made a huge impact on my health so much so that I started marketing their products to others who could also benefit from them.  Over those years, I have seen stories that would blow your mind of better health, weight loss benefits and much more!

For the last couple of years, this company has promoted a body transformation challenge in which the winners can win up to $150,000.00.  The stories created from this challenge has been off the hook!
  • 18 year old Derek who released 123 lbs. now is called "Slim D" by his college peers
  • 22 year old Anthony who released 153 lbs.and won $10,000 in cash
  • 60 year old Mary who just toned up with releasing 4.5 lbs and 9.5 inches and feels 18 again
and there's dozens more like these!

Anyway...as a good example to my clients and business partner, every year I enroll myself into this challenge, get all excited for a few weeks and then I get distracted (more liked bored) and I have not once completed it to the finish.  I end up justifying that I look and feel pretty good already and that's good enough for me!

Truth is, it's not!   HELLO I'm 41 now!  (not 40, 41!!!)

I have also been fairly active and in generally good shape my whole life and have never had to worry much about what I look like in clothes, but you know...it starts to sneak up on you slowly and suddenly, this year I was not very excited about putting on a bikini!

The thing is, I know where I feel my best and I'm not that far off but if I don't take hold now, who knows what will happen after a few years (and pounds) keep sneaking up on me?

So, this year, I gathered support of a few of my Team Leaders (5 awesome ladies who I love dearly) and we are doing this together!

I set up my daily nutritional support system (that I could not do this without).  Here's a routine I have created with some of my favorites to help me accomplish this (which may change or evolve throughout):

Now, what does INSANITY have to do with it?

So, I needed a good kick in the butt to get me going!  I have a strong personality that likes to think that I can do anything and usually when I set my mind to something, (with God's help) I can accomplish it.  But the downside to this optimistic, determined attitude is that I get bored easily and I also think that I can jump from the start line to finish line with no preparation or training.  I've studied personality types in business and I would be called a "Ruby" (click here for more info on what you might be).

A couple years back I registered for a 1/2 Marathon in beautiful Moab, Utah!  You guessed it!  I didn't train like I should have and YES I crossed that finish line (not telling you my time) but it wasn't pretty!  I thought I was still 18, and that I could just muddle through it.

So here I am last week gearing up for this Challenge and I know I need a NEW exciting exercise (remember I get bored easily) and so I had been hearing about this "Insanity" program from one of my business friends and had been following her results.  And lo and behold, one sleepless night about 4 am in the morning, I watched the informercial and thought, I CAN DO THAT! 

Well, so the next morning I contacted my business friend and ordered the system from her and had it expressed because "Rubies" want it now!  LOL 

The past 6 months, I truly have not been good at exercising (outside of being fairly active in my daily activities, occasional jogs, walks and a 4th of July 5K) but I thought INSANITY shouldn't be too hard for me.

So I got all geared up yesterday for the FIT TEST (to determine where I was) and 20 minutes later I was lying on the floor, sweating, unable to speak... LOL

So Day 2 of INSANITY and I just got my butt kicked again!  It was 30 minutes and I can honestly tell you that just the warm-up hurt me!  But I will overcome!  LOL 

But I am excited to see where INSANITY and this Challenge leads me.  If you are curious too, hang with me over the next 60 days and I just might post photos!  Who knows?

Kimber King

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cash for Clunkers? Dave and I are thinking....

from the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

It's funny how history seems to repeat itself!

So last week my hubby and I were "lightly" discussing the "Cash for Clunkers" program (and I say lightly as we usually stray away from politics in our household...more on that another time).   Anyway, I was sharing how I was very concerned that this NEW program (which its purpose was suppose to be for the environment, yeah right), seemed to be very similar to our government's "sub-prime lending market" program (remember that and where it led us to last fall)?

Well, now it seemed that the very same people who couldn't afford that house are the very same people the government is now providing a way for them to buy that brand NEW car that they can't afford. 

You know there is a saying, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome."


I was wondering if anyone was seeing this like I was.

Then, a couple days ago in my inbox, Syndicated Talk Show Host, Dave Ramsey sent me an email and I just chuckled to myself.....hmmmm....."great minds think alike!"

Anyway, here's Dave's take on this program and he says how I was feeling about this program much better than I could.


Let's hope Dave and I are both very wrong!

Monday, August 31, 2009

The funny ways kids can take our words and use them against us!

from the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

So my youngest son, Walker says to me this weekend with a smirk on his face, "Mom you know how you say that learning from your mistakes is a good thing?"  "Yes," I said, not sure where this would go.   "Well, then you can't be mad at me if I get an "F" right because you said we learn from our mistakes and I would really be learning then!" 

We both laughed and I reminded him how that would not be acceptable. 

But it got me thinking about how we sometimes forget that the mistakes we make, the wrong choices, the path(s) that turns out wrong, can really teach us something if we pay attention.  

For many, many years, I tried to live a "perfect life" without making mistakes or choices or committing to things that I wasn't certain of the outcome.  But the truth is, that fear held me back from so many things because of my fear to fail. 

When I started College I had two paths that interested me, teaching and law.  I wasn't sure which, but I stopped myself dead in my tracks after I found out that each pursuit required a "Public Speaking" class and guess what?... I was terrified of speaking in public.  I was one of those that could barely say "Here" when the teacher took roll.    So I ended up with an English degree and Legal Studies minor and still absolutely clueless what I was going to do with my life.

Today I wonder how different my life might have been had I not let that fear hold me back of public speaking. 

I am totally grateful where God lead me anyway and I wouldn't change a thing.  However, I can't help but think that He has a huge sense of humor, since in my direct sales business I now speak to 100's and on occasions, 1000's and host conference calls too!  So He forced me through it anyway. 

So what do you have that is holding you back from making mistakes, choosing a path?  If you are suppose to go there, I will bet God will get you there anyway, somehow, so go ahead and just take a chance and JUMP RIGHT IN!  The water is fine!  ;)

Kimber King

Sunday, August 30, 2009

"Life of a Wahm" first post!

Thanks for checking out my NEW blog!   It's definitely going to be a "work in progress."   I hope you can stick around to see what becomes of it!

I am a WAHM!  What exactly is a WAHM, you say?  A WAHM is a short, clever, easy way of saying, a Work at Home Mom!

Prior to becoming a WAHM 7 years ago, I was a SAHM (get it…Stay at Home Mom).  Don't you love all these acronyms we use these days!

At that time, I was not looking for to work from home.   I was a stay at home mom of 3 boys and I was at the time very “content” with my life and income.  My husband had a great paying job with benefits and we were managing several, profitable income properties.  Our life was full (of diapers) and it felt somewhat complete.

But the key word from above was “content.”

I always knew that being a mom was the greatest joy of my life and most important thing I would ever do, but I also always felt that there was something that I was put here on Earth to do that would help to make a difference for others outside of my immediate family in a big way!  But I just never knew what that was.

Before I had my sons, I graduated from College with a degree in English and Legal Studies.  I had hoped to either end up in teaching or law...but the funniest thing was--I was scared to death of public speaking.  So I ended up in various management positions in banking, customer service, collections and even at one point, I was in an Air Traffic Control Program (doesn't sound like I had a clear path in life does it)?

Anyway, 7 years ago, I was introduced to nutritional cleansing program that I was very skeptical of and wasn’t even certain I needed what it claimed to do.  And furthermore, the product was being distributed through “Network Marketing” and I had a strong aversion to that industry.   But thankfully, I did decide to try the program and the results I experienced was greater than any negative thoughts or beliefs I had about the method it was distributed.  If you want to learn more about what the incredible healthy results I had were, please let me know and I’ll let you in about that secret.

Well after my own personal experience,  I was convinced that I could help a lot of people.  So I simply started sharing my story with those I cared about and before I knew it, I was earning an income that matched my husband’s in my first 90 days.

In the first 3 years we were able to buy a new house, take many family vacations, purchase my "dream car" and also start putting away substantial savings and purchase additional income properties.

7 years later I have been awarded several top honors with the company all while working part-time from home (less than 20 hours) earning a multiple 6 figure income.

The real exciting part is that I have been able to help many in this industry achieve the same success.  I have a strong passion to help other moms (and dads too!) create income from home, whether it be a few extra hundred dollars a month or 6 figures like me.

I have created this income while keeping balance in my family.  There are few “secrets” that I have found to be able to do this and through blogging I hope to share them with my readers.

This blog will be primarily be my daily journey, struggles, triumphs of being a WAHM.  I hope that in someway it will help other WAHMs (and dads)!

Some days my blogging may be more personal than business, but you can count on it be honest and real.

My goal for this year is to be more “transparent” in an attempt to get over my strong need and control to be “perfect!”  I’m letting go of that finally and just enjoying who I am finally and know that there is always ONE on high that loves me just as in-perfect as I am.

I am also working on a project "What's it all For?" that I would love to have any successful 6 figure Wahms be part of.  If that's you, please connect with me and I'll get you the details how you can participate and what's in it for you!  We also have a Fan Page just starting on FaceBook (link in the box the left side of this page).

The Life of Your Dreams is Waiting for You! Just Take a Step in Faith Towards it!”

Kimber King