Friday, March 12, 2010

Godspeed Stewy! So proud of you!

from Kimber King's Blog, "Life of a Wahm"
(read previous posts at

So thankful to all my friends and family who have supported Stew to get to this very day!  And thanks to those of you who will be staying with us and entertaining me while he's gone ;)

I have the greatest friends and family ever!

Godspeed Stewy!  I love you so much!  You are such a great example to me and the boys!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

You've probably heard about it! My team has partnered with Perfect 10 Diet!

from Kimber King's Blog, "Life of a Wahm"
(read previous posts at

Super excited that my team has partnered with Dr. Michael Aziz who is the author of the rapidly growing popular book, The Perfect 10 Diet!

Dr. Aziz has personally used our nutritional cleansing products and felt so passionate about them in addition to the brilliant information and insight he shares in The Perfect 10 Diet, that he has partnered with us and personally endorses the nutritional cleansing products.

To learn more about the Perfect 10 Diet, visit:

Then go to "About the Perfect 10 Diet" and click on "Partners" and fill out the form on that page for more information about our nutritional cleansing products.

You can also find Dr. Aziz's book on Amazon!

Here's some Perfect 10 success stories:

“I am half my size after two years. I am down to 120 pounds from 220 pounds. I gained my health and figure back on the Perfect 10 Diet.”

—Jen C.

“I am diabetic, and the Perfect 10 Diet helped me to get off my medications.”

—John O.

“A diet that works better than cholesterol drugs is not a diet; it is magic.”

—Kelly C.

“I lost 40 pounds, and I’m still losing.”

—Jimmy L.

“It is not low-fat; it is not low-carb; it is unlike any other diet on the market. I love the Perfect 10 Diet.”

—Meghan B.

“I am a man who wants to look his absolute best. The Perfect 10 Diet is getting me there.”

—Arthur M.

“At age 44, I have the hormones of a 20-year-old woman thanks to the Perfect 10 Diet.”

—Tanya F.

“As a senior citizen, I need to know everything new in the anti-aging arena. The Perfect 10 Diet is my bible.”

—Barry A.

“I love the Perfect 10 Diet. I lost 44 pounds on this amazing, one-of-a-kind diet.”

—Sharon K.

“Clear skin, more energy, feeling great; I can’t ask for anything more.”

—Michael P.

Happy Cleansing!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm not usually one to complain but.....

from Kimber King's Blog, "Life of a Wahm"
(read previous posts at

Many of you are aware that my hubby Stew will be leaving this weekend for Haiti with the organization, "Healing Hands for Haiti."

If you want to follow their journey, you can join their FAN PAGE at or I just put up a NEW Blog at

Stew's trip to Haiti has been planned since November and so after the earthquake, the team was not sure if they would be able to get down there since they had purchased commercial flights.  It's been a little crazy since then, but all systems were go and confirmed a few weeks ago!

The team of 26 has been getting ready for this trip and getting their families and lives all ready to make this 10 day service trip.

As we returned home from Church on Sunday, we had several frantic messages and texts that Delta Airlines has canceled their flight this Friday and won't be flying to Haiti until June.

Guess what?  Delta hasn't contacted any of them!  One of the team members, Brooke just "had a feeling" Sunday morning to confirm her ticket and called and they told her, "hey, by the way...your flight to Haiti is canceled."

This is just 6 days before the flight.  So in a panic, the team members all had to start looking for tickets on other airlines, additional costs, schedule change, loss of days being able to serve in Haiti.

And here it is Tuesday morning, just 4 days before their flight was scheduled to leave and get this, Delta has still not officially told them their flight is canceled.   Several team members have now called in on their own and they have advised them that this is correct and how to request a refund.

Luckily most of them have been able to reschedule on American Airlines but Stew and Darryl will lose a whole day in Haiti of being able to serve.  They will not arrive until Sunday now.

It's all good and I understand that when you are stepping out to serve and do good, the enemy tries to stop it so I am always one who is flexible and can just roll with it, but I am pretty upset at Delta this morning.

They might have it in their policy that they don't have to notify you of a canceled flight but HELLO they have to understand that people who are booking a flight into Haiti must be going there for a purpose and serving down there.  You would think that they would have the courtesy to reach out and help this team!

Could you imagine if Brooke would have not had that prompting to call and they didn't find out until Thursday or Friday!  Ticket prices go up substantially, flights get booked and most of the team members have raised donations for their flight on their own.

Those that know me, know that I am usually "Polyanna" towards things but I really think Delta should have taken better care of this team.

A big shout out THANK YOU to American Airlines for picking up the ball that Delta flat out dropped!

What would you do in this situation?  Would you contact Delta and let them know how this affected this team?  Do you think they would care?  I so feel like writing a letter but maybe it's best I just let it go and count the blessings that the trip still goes on!!!

This team was destined to serve on this trip! 

No earthquake, $$$, flight cancelations can stop them!  (enemy hands off this one and you are under their feet)!!!

P.S.  I'll get back to my "Vacation posts" tomorrow...just had to vent a little bit today!!!  ;)

Friday, March 5, 2010

"7 Days of Paradise" Day 2 - Part 2

 "7 Days of Paradise" Day 2 - Part 2
from Kimber King's Blog, "Life of a Wahm"
(read previous posts at

So after our snorkeling experience, it was time to get out and explore this beautiful island.  Luckily we brought along our "Tom Tom" (that has saved us from a ton of fights over the last year)! 


If you don't have a Tom Tom, wives, husbands, this is a must have if you are ever going to travel and especially with kids! birthday or holiday gift, this is a no-brainer!

Anyway... we actually didn't have a destination in mind.  We just started driving north and as we drove along the beautiful island, the mountain range in front of me was just stunning!   I'm from Utah and I'm used to the majesty of big mountains but this one was just covered in GREEN and had a layer of clouds, almost fog that just seemed to descend and hang out daily over it, casting a huge's just truly something to behold.

As we drove, I put "parks and recreations" into Tom Tom and it came up with Iao Needle.  Now silly us, this is a major tourist attraction but since we just kind of do our own thing, we just happened to stumble up on it.

As we drove up the narrow canyon towards it, I felt like "Sawyer and Kate" would run out of the jungle carrying rifles at any moment (for you "Lost Fans")....

Anyway, the Iao Needle is really beautiful! 

Hawaiian story behind the Iao Needle:  The Hawaiian god Kāne is considered to be the procreator and the provider of life. He is associated with wai (fresh water) as well as clouds, rain, streams and springs. Kanaloa, the Hawaiian god of the underworld, is represented by the phallic stone of the ʻĪao Needle.

So yes... the Iao Needle is a phallic symbol.  LOL  As we were reading about Kanaloa, actually at Iao Needle, it spoke of him as the god of the oceans and so jokingly I told Stew from here on out, he was "Kanoloa"  (since he is such a fish and at one with the ocean).  Like a typical guy, he took to the name right away ;)  So Kanoloa was born!

After we left Iao, we journeyed back down the canyon and Stew stopped by a fruit stand and bought some fresh papaya and avocado. 

We then drove through the town there that was really cute and quaint and up another curvy road to a beautiful ranch at the top.

After that, it was getting dark and as we drove back, we saw a familiar site, Outback Steak House!  So after a long, active and fun day, that "wedge salad" and fresh coconut shrimp really hit the spot!  YUM!

Check back for Day 3's adventures at

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"7 Days of Paradise" Day 2 - Did I mention my hubby is a fish?

 "7 Days of Paradise" Day 2 - Did I mention my hubby is a fish?
from Kimber King's Blog, "Life of a Wahm"

So last time I left, we were just going to bed after a long travel day and with great expectations with waking up and being able to see the beautiful resort we were staying at as well as see our beach for the very first time!

So 4:30 am rolls around and I'm wide awake!  (3 hours difference from Utah time) but I manage to drift back to sleep with the crashing of the waves outside.  We left our balcony door open and I think it was about 5:30 am that we actually heard a dang rooster crowing!  So funny!  I never knew that so many roosters and chickens just ran wild all over the island.

Around 6am we got out of bed and enjoyed some yummy fruit, smell of fresh coffee, my protein shake with a couple squirts of a NEW product that is designed to keep your water and body more alkaline.  Such a peaceful morning for me but Stew was on the move.  He was anxious to get the door to go check out a snorkeling cove just left our beach that one of the staff members told him about.

So, I wanted to do a little reading and just enjoy the sunrise as he ran out the door with his wetsuit, snorkeling gear and a giant smile on his face!

About 30 minutes later, I ventured down to the beach with my snorkeling gear just in awe of the scenery!
Just around the point is the snorkeling cove

So as I looked all over for Stew, all the sudden (about 200 yards) on the point, a blond lady was waving her hands back and forth towards me.  I looked behind me and thought maybe she was waving to this photographer behind me but as I walked closer towards the point she started waving me over and said, "you must be the cute blond wife from Utah!"  HUH? 

My hubby and her had visited for a while that morning and he told her to watch for me and the funniest part is that she said, "I've been keeping an eye on your husband."  She was from Idaho and such a cute lady.  Her husband was out on a kayak and it was their last day on the island and she was pretty sad.  She shared how she didn't want my hubby to be out there alone and you should never swim/snorkel alone or turn your back on the waves.  I thought she was a little bit over protective at first because didn't she know my husband... the one whose friends swears he has "9 lives!"  I have never really worried about him ever because if you know Stew, you know that he has got himself out of some pretty incredible challenges (including parasailing behind a boat and crashing, being accidentally pushed off a 3 story balcony and miraculously landing on the balcony directly below us--looking like a cirque du soleil act, getting caught and turned over and nearly pinned under a tree floating down a tube in the river (I survived that one too). get the picture.

But as I watched the crashing waves, I did have some respect for them and was so glad she was there (even if Stew thought she was crazy).  I had just missed out in seeing a couple Sea Turtles that Stew came up on.  Dang!  That's what I get for taking my time in Maui!

So after a great visit with our new friend from Idaho, I put on my gear and jumped in....well more like crawled in.  It was a very difference experience than snorkeling in Cancun as they don't have waves that are crashing you around on the corral reefs.  As I went under, I just thanked God for the amazing beauty He had created under the oceans. Snorkeling is so crazy as you are out of the water one minute and then as you put your head under, it's like you have entered an entire different world!  It's so peaceful but still a little eerie for me.  The fish were amazing!  There was all kinds of colors and shapes and they must have been "tourist" fish because they just swarmed around and didn't scurry away at all! 

Anyway...after about an hour in that cove, I was done and ready for some beach time.  But not my hubby!  He's a FISH!  He was born for the Ocean and water, I swear.  At that same time, the waves started picking up a lot and it was looking pretty hard to exit out where we came in without getting way scratched up (Thank Heavens we had our wetsuits).  So Stew said, lets just snorkel around this point and then come out on the beach (no reefs to get beat up on).  Well, here's me.  I like the water and snorkeling but just like the plane, I am not a really relaxed snorkeler and I was pretty tired by that point.  But I followed Stew around but as we got pretty far out around the point and in deep water, I became really tired and glanced up at how far the beach still was and got a bit panicky... I saw a reef and the waves were just starting to get so powerful and so DUH I went over towards the reef thinking I could rest but as I got there, the waves just battered me around and I started getting really scared.  I got knocked around pretty good as Stew was yelling for me to just relax and get back in the water and get away from the reef, "you're going to get hurt!"

Lucky me...the beach combers were just arriving and I think they saw all the drama playing out!  I finally realized to just relax, and snorkel more and get under the water and move towards the beach and I was fine.  I know... I'm a dork.  But I am also a control freak and I realized I wasn't in control (something that I have been battling my whole life) and so I got panicked when I couldn't control the ocean waves.  But once I acknowledged God's majesty and power and said a prayer and just relaxed I was fine again but I did have a few battle wounds (on my first day)! 

That's not all.  I had sliced open my thumb and also got a baseball size bruise on my "butt" that I won't show you!  It stayed with me the whole week...gotta love that view in my bikini!

Anyway....I had a blast really through all of it and learned about me again about my need to control things I just can't!  In life and the ocean, you really just got to Let Go and Let God and just take actions you can without trying to resist what's happening!

Well...that's only the first part of Day 2 and my fingers are tired from typing so I am going to write more on Day 2 later!  Check back... I get to show you a really cool place we just stumbled upon that looked like a scene from "Lost."

Here's some more pics from that morning: