Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Don't Sacrifice "FORM"

From the "Life of a Wahm" Blog
Have you ever heard a word or a phrase and then all of the sudden it starts showing up all over the place?

You hear it on TV, on the radio, at church...

About 4 years ago, the acronym F.O.R.M. was introduced to me by one of my business mentors.  I was not familiar with this acronym but I was very familiar with the technique(s) that it stood for.  

I grew up with a mom who FORM'd quite naturally and not only did it help her develop life-long friendships and relationships but also very loyal clients.  Later on, it would help her produce a 7 digit income in her industry.  

I started FORM'ing through the internet about 6 years ago before I even knew that's what it was called and way before internet sites like FaceBook and Twitter even existed or the world of "Social Networking."

Have you ever heard that old country song, "I was Country, when Country wasn't cool?"  Well... I was Social Networking when Social Networking wasn't cool!  LOL
I was able to reach a 6 figure income using FORM on the internet and in my daily life.  

For more on what FORM is exactly (for those of you curious folks), go to http://www.kimberking.com and register and I will send you a link to a FREE 30 minute Recorded call about FORM and lots, lots more!
Or just click on this link to listen to it now:

Anyway, I started this completely CRAZY exercise program about 3 weeks ago (in way over my head) but I am participating in a Body Challenge (using nutritional cleansing and exercise) with 5 other ladies for cash and I needed to jump-start this body!

So, as I'm doing this exercise program, the instructor's favorite phrase over and over, is "don't sacrifice your FORM!"  There's that word again.  
He is alluding to the fact that sometimes when we are overly tired, worked, have a huge EGO, we start to compromise our FORM and get very lazy with our FORM just to keep up or look good!  This not only will not produce the best results but you can also cause injury.

It just made me think about how with exercise and with our relationships (friends, family and clients), we cannot compromise our FORM!  

I think God is trying to remind me to stop cutting corners just to get the job done in many areas of my life.
The power behind relationships, health, business or anything we do in life is committing to FORM over laziness, boredom, impatience, etc....That will make all the difference in the long run!

Kimber King

Monday, September 28, 2009

Turn your Social Networking "Play-time" into Profits!

From the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

I haven't posted on my blog for a week or two as I was getting ready for a FREE conference call sharing a few of my skills and techniques I have used over the last 7 years to earn a multiple six figures working from home through Social Networking.

Incase you missed the FREE call, here's the link to listen to:  


In this call, you will learn 4 simple steps you can start doing now to create profits while you are spending time on Social Networks, like FaceBook and Twitter!

If you enjoy the call, visit the website at http://www.socialnetworkingharvest.com or join the FAN PAGE on FaceBook (link is on the left of this site) for updates on increasing your profits through Social Networking!

I will continue blogging again this week!  I have lots to talk about!  

Kimber :)


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What was I thinking? INSANITY?

from the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

Okay, so here's the deal!  About 7 years ago, I partnered with a company whose "nutritional cleansing" products made a huge impact on my health so much so that I started marketing their products to others who could also benefit from them.  Over those years, I have seen stories that would blow your mind of better health, weight loss benefits and much more!

For the last couple of years, this company has promoted a body transformation challenge in which the winners can win up to $150,000.00.  The stories created from this challenge has been off the hook!
  • 18 year old Derek who released 123 lbs. now is called "Slim D" by his college peers
  • 22 year old Anthony who released 153 lbs.and won $10,000 in cash
  • 60 year old Mary who just toned up with releasing 4.5 lbs and 9.5 inches and feels 18 again
and there's dozens more like these!

Anyway...as a good example to my clients and business partner, every year I enroll myself into this challenge, get all excited for a few weeks and then I get distracted (more liked bored) and I have not once completed it to the finish.  I end up justifying that I look and feel pretty good already and that's good enough for me!

Truth is, it's not!   HELLO I'm 41 now!  (not 40, 41!!!)

I have also been fairly active and in generally good shape my whole life and have never had to worry much about what I look like in clothes, but you know...it starts to sneak up on you slowly and suddenly, this year I was not very excited about putting on a bikini!

The thing is, I know where I feel my best and I'm not that far off but if I don't take hold now, who knows what will happen after a few years (and pounds) keep sneaking up on me?

So, this year, I gathered support of a few of my Team Leaders (5 awesome ladies who I love dearly) and we are doing this together!

I set up my daily nutritional support system (that I could not do this without).  Here's a routine I have created with some of my favorites to help me accomplish this (which may change or evolve throughout):

Now, what does INSANITY have to do with it?

So, I needed a good kick in the butt to get me going!  I have a strong personality that likes to think that I can do anything and usually when I set my mind to something, (with God's help) I can accomplish it.  But the downside to this optimistic, determined attitude is that I get bored easily and I also think that I can jump from the start line to finish line with no preparation or training.  I've studied personality types in business and I would be called a "Ruby" (click here for more info on what you might be).

A couple years back I registered for a 1/2 Marathon in beautiful Moab, Utah!  You guessed it!  I didn't train like I should have and YES I crossed that finish line (not telling you my time) but it wasn't pretty!  I thought I was still 18, and that I could just muddle through it.

So here I am last week gearing up for this Challenge and I know I need a NEW exciting exercise (remember I get bored easily) and so I had been hearing about this "Insanity" program from one of my business friends and had been following her results.  And lo and behold, one sleepless night about 4 am in the morning, I watched the informercial and thought, I CAN DO THAT! 

Well, so the next morning I contacted my business friend and ordered the system from her and had it expressed because "Rubies" want it now!  LOL 

The past 6 months, I truly have not been good at exercising (outside of being fairly active in my daily activities, occasional jogs, walks and a 4th of July 5K) but I thought INSANITY shouldn't be too hard for me.

So I got all geared up yesterday for the FIT TEST (to determine where I was) and 20 minutes later I was lying on the floor, sweating, unable to speak... LOL

So Day 2 of INSANITY and I just got my butt kicked again!  It was 30 minutes and I can honestly tell you that just the warm-up hurt me!  But I will overcome!  LOL 

But I am excited to see where INSANITY and this Challenge leads me.  If you are curious too, hang with me over the next 60 days and I just might post photos!  Who knows?

Kimber King

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cash for Clunkers? Dave and I are thinking....

from the "Life of a Wahm" Blog

It's funny how history seems to repeat itself!

So last week my hubby and I were "lightly" discussing the "Cash for Clunkers" program (and I say lightly as we usually stray away from politics in our household...more on that another time).   Anyway, I was sharing how I was very concerned that this NEW program (which its purpose was suppose to be for the environment, yeah right), seemed to be very similar to our government's "sub-prime lending market" program (remember that and where it led us to last fall)?

Well, now it seemed that the very same people who couldn't afford that house are the very same people the government is now providing a way for them to buy that brand NEW car that they can't afford. 

You know there is a saying, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome."


I was wondering if anyone was seeing this like I was.

Then, a couple days ago in my inbox, Syndicated Talk Show Host, Dave Ramsey sent me an email and I just chuckled to myself.....hmmmm....."great minds think alike!"

Anyway, here's Dave's take on this program and he says how I was feeling about this program much better than I could.


Let's hope Dave and I are both very wrong!